QuickFile for Mobile

Organise your Receipts in the Cloud
QuickFile helps you to stay organised by storing all your receipts in the cloud. You can quickly snap your receipts on the move, right from the mobile app. You can choose to tag your receipts later or provide all the information within the app itself, e.g. supplier, totals, VAT etc.

The QuickFile mobile app allows you to take your invoicing wherever your work demands. We make it simple for you to create invoices and quotations from the app as well as easily check existing records.
- Create invoices and quotations
- Access reusable inventory items to save time
- Filter all your invoices and quotations by client, date or amount
- Send invoices by email and apply payments

Have you ever needed to confirm a client payment while out of the office? With the QuickFile mobile app you can get full oversight of all your linked accounts with ease.
- Manage multiple bank accounts
- Check the reconciliation status of your bank entries
- Get notifications when your Open Banking feeds are due to be renewed
- Check bank balances or transactions on the move
QuickFile delivers your key financial reports in the palm of your hands. We currently provide access to the following reports in the iOS and Android apps:
- Profit and Loss statement
- Balance Sheet
- Submitted VAT returns
- Debtor and creditor ageing report