Recurring Invoice Date Variables Test Tool

Use this tool to test your dynamic date variables when creating a recurring invoice.

Simulate Date:
Item Description
(Use your date variables here)

Dynamic Variables...

Dynamic variables offer a simple way to insert time related content into your recurring invoice. Let's say you want to invoice your client for a monthly magazine subscription. Rather than entering the description "Monthly Subscription Fee", you could enter "||MONTH|| Subscription Fee". This would effectively replace the token ||MONTH|| with the current month e.g. "July Subscription Fee". You can also manipulate the token by adding or subtracting months within the token. For example ||MONTH-1|| would display the month previous to this month.

More Examples

There are a handful of other tokens you can use to display time related content. Take a look at the following examples:

  • Annual Service Charge for ||YEAR+1|| = Annual Service Charge for 2023
  • Printing Charges for ||MONTH|| = Printing Charges for July
  • ||QTR|| Subscription to Law Gazette = Q3 Subscription to Law Gazette
  • Subscription ||DATE|| to ||DATE+3M+1D|| = 01/01/2023 to 02/04/2023
  • Hosting to ||MONTHEND||. = Shows the last day of the month
  • The ||MONTHSTART|| variable will revert the day element of the date entered to the 1st day of the month i.e. if the date of 21/08/2020 is entered, this will revert to 01/08/2020

Please note: The tokens must be typed as above (without any spaces) to work correctly